Sunday, May 29, 2011

Radiation finished!

I had my last radiation session on Friday, so that is now done - 33 sessions including 5 "boost" blasts to give some extra dosage to some of the lymph node areas (I think). Now just have to wait 6-8 weeks whilst it continues working then get more scans to see if it has done the job. The area that has been treated is quite obvious from the skin - it is quite clearly marked with what looks like sunburn - funny looking but should go down over the next few weeks :) I'm also occasionally having pain when breathing, hoping that will stop soon, since it is something I try to do regularly!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Radiation Side Effects

I'm now well into radiation (about 23/33) and the promised side effects have now appeared! They really seemed to come up quickly over the last few days. The skin of the treated areas is red/blackish brown, like a really bad sunburn. My underarm is particularly painful! All I can do is apply sorbelene several times a day and wait for it to go away, in a month or so... I'm also really tired. Other than that, all good :) The lumps on my neck seem to be going down, which is good, hopefully the other ones that I can't feel are being successfully zapped too!

I have booked a trip to the USA with Hubby for when radiation has finished, so really looking forward to that! Will be ticking a few more things off the life list - LA to Vegas in a convertible and New York :)