Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Flipped Port = Longest Chemo Day Ever

Yesterday turned out to be a nightmare day (nearly 11 hours!) getting chemo, thanks to a very naughty port-a-cath! In theory the nurse just puts a needle into the port, straight into the vein for th blood test, and the needle is then used for chemo too. This proved impossible - the needle kept just hitting metal, despite the best efforts of 3 nurses. I was sent down to x-ray, which they thought showed the port was a bit twisted but not completely flipped over so in theory could still be accessed. But no - same result again. So I was now sent to Concord hospital, where I had the port originally put in, to be fixed up.

At Concord further xray showed that the port had flipped over, hence why they couldn't get the needle in. Solution was a little operation under local anaesthetic to slice open and get at the pot, flip it back over to the correct position, tie it down so it shouldn't happen again and then sew it back up again. Then test by putting a needle in for chemo. That all done, it was back to RPA for 3.5 hours of chemo! What a day, could have done without it...


  1. What an exhausting day by all accounts but glad you were able to get chemotherapy session at the end of a long day. Your taking in your stride as usual.
    You didn't mention the visit to the block houses, did you get to nose inside?
    Must have been because of all the other experiences on that trip.
    Take care and have a few days recoup.
    Speak soon xxx

  2. Chemo is painful. Sometimes it is the most pain anyone could suffer from. My wishes and prayers for you to get well soon.

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